Long time no see ! Yaah, I admit - I was very busy.. Sorry for that.. The end of the year 2011, My sister and family visit us. We had great time.. My excused, that is why I can not update my cooking recipe in this blog.
This time, I want to share a recipee that is very famous in Indonesia. We called Nasi Goreng - mean Fried Rice. Since Indonesian like chilly, I will use them to add the flavour for this recipee.This recipee is easy, it is something that Indonesian like to enjoy when they feel hungry..
Ingredients :
5 cups Cooked Rice -- Rice cooked with Rice Cooker
10 pcs Shallots
3 pcs Garlic
5 pcs Red Chilli
2 tsp Dry Shrimp Paste (terasi)
2 Tbs Dry Shrimp
4 Pcs Eggs
3 Tbs Cooking Oil
1 Tbs Fish Sauce
2 Tbs English Sauce ( Kecap Inggris )
3 Tbs Sweet Soy Sauce
2 Tbs Salty Soy Sauce
2 tsp pepper
2 tsp salt
1/2 Cup Cooking Oil
10 pcs Beef Meatball ( finely slice )
2 Cup Cabbage ( finely cut )
Directions :
1. Using a food processor, puree all the ingredients (B) to become paste. - set a side.
2. Beat Eggs (C) with fork, add salt and pepper to taste , and using oil (C) make a scramble eggs. - set a side.
3. Combine all the ingredients (D) in a bowl.
4. With high fume, Heat (E) cooking oil in a big wok, add (B) and stir until fragance
5. Add (F) slice meat ball - stir, Add (A) cooked rice into it and keep stiring in high fume until all the paste blend weel with rice.
6. Add (D) little by little.. - keep stiring
7. Until all mix together, put (G) - Cabbage into it and keep stirring.
8. Add Scrambled Eggs - stirring (mix well)
Serve Hot. Make 5.