In Chinese cuisine , vegetables are mostly stir fried or blanched. In Indonesia, you almost can find "CAP CAY" - an Indonesian Chinese style stir fry vegetable, as a common cuisine in everywhere. This food is originally come from Chinese Indonesian people.
It is very easy to make. You can cook this food with whatever vegetable you like , and whatever meat you prefer, that's why CAP CAY is become favorite in Indonesia.
It is healthy and of course it's tasty. !
I will share how to make this simple cuisine, but remember you can modify this food with the veggie and meat you like. Mine only for the example.
Ingredients :
2/3 cloves Garlic ( minced about 2 tsp)
2 Tbs Cooking oil
1 medium Carrots ( peel and thinly slice )
1/2 cup Cauliflower ( cut into 3/4 inch small )
1/2 cup Cabbage ( clean, trim and cut into 1 inch square )
1/2 cup Peas / String Bean ( cut into 1 inch length )
1 cup Bak Choy ( cut into 1 1/2 inch length )
1 Parsley ( Cut into 1 inch length )
1 Cup - Hot water or chicken broth
Salt and Pepper to taste
Choices of Meat :
- Chicken breast (Cut into thin slice )
- Lean Pork (Cut into thin slice )
- Beef or Fish Meat Ball (buy in Asian grocery)
- Prawns (small or medium) - peel
- Heat cooking oil in a large skillet or wok over medium - high heat.
- Add chopped garlic. Stirring continuously, until aromatic and the color of garlic yellowish.
- Turn into high heat.
- Add meat, and or prawn , stirring until almost cook.
- Add vegetable, start with the hardest and the leaves is the last.
- Stirring continuously and add hot water or chicken broth.
- Salt and Pepper to taste.
- Lets simmer (just for a while) until the vegetables are cook but still crunchy.
- Add Parsley for the last.
- Transfer to a serving bowl or plate and serve immediately.
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